Station wagon 1980
Station wagon 1980

station wagon 1980
  1. #Station wagon 1980 manuals
  2. #Station wagon 1980 registration

(As per the bidders agreement that you have agreed to)Photos, descriptions and conditions reports (if any) should be used as a guide only.

#Station wagon 1980 manuals

Some individual items may show signs of wear common with used items and in some instances accessories may vary from the standard (for example, software or manuals may be missing or different, no original packaging). If classed as 'Used' the asset may have experienced moderate to heavy usage by consumers and have not been tested to ensure that they function according to the manufacturer's specifications.

station wagon 1980

Assets included in this sale may be used, therefore inspection is highly recommended prior to bidding. Please refer to the individual lot description for asset condition. Where applicable, GST and Buyers Premium are applied to the final bid price and a detailed breakdown is provided on the CONFIRM BID page. The GST treatment and Buyers Premium allocation for all lots in this auction are identified in the OVERVIEW section above. Grays staff are onsite for security purpose only, please make sure you have people to help you load your purchases and provide suitable transport.Please contact Grays if this has not happened and we will assist with the removal.

#Station wagon 1980 registration

Please allow up to 10 business days for the security interest registration to be removed.Bidders may find when they do perform a PPSR check (highly recommended) in many cases the vehicles do have a security interest registered against them, which will be lifted shortly after the relevant vehicle is sold and monies are cleared in the secured party’s/security holder’s account and.Grays guarantees that all vehicles/boats/motorbikes (Vehicle(s)) in this sale are sold with clear title, however in this respect note that: Terms & conditions can be found in our Online User Agreement and Motor Vehicle Terms and Conditions Continuing to use the online auction service following amendments to these terms & conditions will constitute your acceptance of the new terms & conditions applying to this service. Please ensure you clearly read the special terms and conditions contained in this page and also in the user agreement. The terms and conditions of the online auctions may change from time to time.If necessary please familiarise yourself with them prior to bidding on any items in this auction. By registering and bidding, you have agreed to Grays terms and conditions of sale.If you are unsure do not bid as no refunds will be given unless there are exceptional circumstances (as determined by Grays). Please take care when making a bid as once your bid is placed, it cannot be withdrawn and will not be cancelled unless there are exceptional circumstances (as determined by Grays).ALL ASSETS IN THIS SALE ARE SOLD “AS IS” AND WITHOUT COOLING OFF PERIOD These assets are used therefore inspection is highly recommended prior to bidding, description & photos should be used as a guide only.

station wagon 1980

This sale is pick up only from Rear of 5 Holbeche Road (entry via Prima Place), Arndell Park NSW 2148 Motor Dealer Licence: 13910 - Grays (NSW) Pty Ltd

Station wagon 1980